Mercer Island High School will host a student-run “Not So Silent” auction on Wed. May 25, 2016 in support of Seattle Children’s Hospital in which 100 percent of the proceeds will directly benefit the organization.
The auction constitutes the Advanced Marketing class’ end-of-the-year project. When determining the recipient of the auction funds, the class collectively decided on Children’s Hospital, in part because of MIHS teacher Jan Sayers’ affiliation with the organization through her support of the hospital School Room. “We chose Seattle Children’s Hospital and Jan Sayers’ room because we felt it hit close to home, as Ms. Sayers has been teaching at MIHS for countless years,” said junior Advanced Marketing student Andrew Arvish. “Seattle Children’s hospital is a great organization which is right in our area, providing excellent care for kids who need it most.”
All items sold at the auction were acquired by the Advanced Marketing students or donated by the community. Auction attendees should expect a wide variety of items available for purchase. Senior Annie Mildeberger, the auction chair, said, “[the items] range from a boat cruise to Husky tickets…It’s just a bunch of stuff most of the [students] have procured from any ideas that they had.”
The Advanced Marketing Class strives to reach a target goal of $2,000 in donations. However, this number is contingent on how many people attend and how appealing the auction items are. Mainly, the class hopes “to make money for Children’s and the hospitalized patients with special healthcare needs mostly through the [students] in our class getting items from their families and our community,” said Mildeberger.
The “NotSo Silent” Auction, appropriately coinciding with the high school band’s Spring Concert, will take place in the MIHS Upper Commons. The Advanced Marketing Class welcomes and urges everyone to attend to support the auction and Seattle Children’s Hospital.