“Godzilla Minus One” is improbably and unreasonably good for what it is, but its ending is very disappointing. While it is easy to recommend the film to anyone who is interested in the franchise, enjoys World War II media or just likes good movies, I can’t help but feel let down.
“Godzilla Minus One” is a true return to form for the Godzilla franchise, and it is the first movie which really sold me on how terrifying and earth-shattering this monster is. That’s because this movie is firmly anchored in the human world, in many ways more of a tragic historical drama than a monster movie.
Most Godzilla movies have boring, one-dimensional human characters who exist to set up a reason for two giant monsters to beat each other up. In this movie, Godzilla is not the main character; instead, Koichi steals the spotlight, and the story centers around him working through trauma and grief.
*Spoilers ahead*
The movie is incredibly depressing, and the consistent theme is that Koichi runs away from his fears, feeling guilty for the blood he believes is on his hands. By refusing to sacrifice his life in war, he continually spits in the face of those he wishes to protect, and this destroys him on the inside. While kamikaze and the Japanese military in general are criticized pretty harshly throughout the film, and the film is obviously anti-war, the narrative still does not present Koichi’s abstention from sacrifice as a good thing. Koichi is stuck in a no-win scenario where he cannot overcome his mental issues without finally taking a stand, but he cannot take a stand in any way other than suicide, which the movie argues is pointless.
Perhaps the greatest failure of Koichi’s, and the scene which I think was the movie’s master stroke, is the death of his wife Noriko. Throughout the movie, this relationship blossoms, and while it only starts to feel somewhat romantic at the end, it has amazing and natural chemistry. Koichi, who is mentally destroyed by the war, finally begins to heal in the arms of Noriko, and the story is set up for a very compelling arc of Koichi finally learning to let go of what happened and move on. Noriko breaks the tragedy of Koichi’s life by presenting him with a third way out, to face his fears in a healthy way and come to terms with what he has witnessed.
However, when Godzilla attacks the city of Ginza, in a massive twist, Noriko is killed saving Koichi. This entire scene is masterful, and because the earlier parts of the movie are so brutally depressing, the stakes feel very high. Watching in the theaters, this scene genuinely shocked me because I didn’t think the writers would actually kill her. I frankly didn’t even consider the possibility as Noriko seemed so central to the plot and to Koichi’s development.
One scene, while not as important to the plot, is perhaps the most tense scene in any Godzilla movie. In it, Godzilla chases Koichi and his friends through the water. This scene made me fully grasp the absolute power and majesty of Godzilla, and it is agonizing watching Koichi’s pathetic boat sputter and its crew desperately try to devise a way to survive. The moment exemplifies the movie’s treatment of Godzilla, and I think the concept is truly done justice throughout.
As I said previously, after Noriko’s death, I was totally unsure how Koichi’s internal conflict could possibly resolve itself; I thought that if the filmmakers were not going to have a tragic ending they would have to do something spectacular. The final battle between Godzilla and a team of disgruntled veterans from the navy works fine as an action scene; I might even hazard to say it’s a good scene. If it were some kind of “Top Gun”-style action movie, perhaps I would say it was a good finale. But the first half of this movie was legitimate art, and the resolution to all of this tragedy and bloodshed feels way too much like a corporate executive walked in and told the writing team they had to make the story less dark and give everyone a happy ending.
In the finale, Koichi is given the job of flying a plane to distract Godzilla, but instead plans to fly it into Godzilla’s mouth and kill the monster. This is great, pushing the moral dilemma to the forefront. But then, the movie is resolved when Koichi simply ejects from the plane as it soars into Godzilla’s maw. The monster blows up, but Koichi’s monsters inside are never fully addressed. It feels like an unearned and contrived ending which exists only so the movie does not have to actually choose between the two possible tragic endings it has set up. However, while in the theater, I still had some hope, as I thought that maybe the epilogue would put in more work to fully expound upon the theme of the movie, and make clear what the meaning behind this ending was.
Then it is revealed that Noriko is actually alive! The moment the movie cut to a shot that looked like a hospital, my dread began to grow. One of the best moments in the movie was the killing of Noriko, and I thought there was no way they could bring her back. Then as the camera begins to pan over to her, I tried to rationalize, “Okay, sure, she’s still alive, but she’s got to be absolutely mangled, like she’ll have bandages all over her. She’ll be paralyzed from being flung through the air by building shrapnel.” Then it pans over and she is totally fine! I really don’t feel like I need to explain why this is bad, but I seriously cannot believe that they had so much amazing buildup just to pull the rug out from under the audience at the last moment. All the stakes vanish in an instant, and instead of Koichi learning to let go of the past or avenge it, the past just comes back to him, totally defeating the point of his arc.
In summary, while I genuinely like what this movie was trying to do, I feel that it stabbed itself in the back with the ending. “Godzilla Minus One” works fine as an action movie, but if it had really committed to the bit I honestly think it would have gone down as a masterpiece and perhaps the best Godzilla movie of all time.
kasey Christensen • Nov 16, 2024 at 3:11 am
Did not like the cgi at all horrible affects
Tim Simms • Oct 22, 2024 at 4:50 am
OMG….just another movie where pretentious art school graduates make sense of the stuff none of us movie going public gave a crap about.
PETER J ADE • Aug 30, 2024 at 3:09 pm
………. apparently you’ve never seen a Godzilla movie.
Harry D • Jun 28, 2024 at 10:41 am
Too many folks are too quick to rush to judgement on this ending, without knowing the facts, (or can’t understand it, when it’s explained). Then they are those grimdark types, who think downbeat or nihilistic endings are somehow cool or “better”. Like, a happy ending is a cheat, or stupid. Sometimes, yes, sure…. but sometimes we deserve a Win. Nothing wrong with that. Also can’t stand when people say the ending somehow invalidates what Koichi went thru. I disagree. He still went through hell… right there in those moments. He simply got a wonderful reprieve, of sorts, at the end.
Joe Tex • Aug 3, 2024 at 2:06 am
I agree. The ending works for the film because everything that came before it set it up. I also would have worked with a dark ending because it was also set up. Both have their own logic. Cheers.
Leon smiley • Jun 27, 2024 at 7:25 am
Ain’t no almost a masterpiece……it is a masterpiece
Annie • Jun 2, 2024 at 10:23 am
Spoiler warning
Dear author, you might miss the part where the ending showed black mark growing on Noriko’s neck. That would explain her remarkable recovery from what should be a deathly explosion. The director of the movie has confirmed that she was actually infected by the G-cells.
Parrot215 • Jun 17, 2024 at 7:46 pm
Well, that’s interesting. All the previous G movies, scientists always wanted to find a way to incorporate G cells into the human physiology, but could never do it. Remains a mystery… Yes, I do get it. Noriko surviving based on that notion, but it’s still a terrible way to bring her back. Bringing her back felt like jumping the shark. Great movie. Great visuals. Great story until G cells saved ONLY Noriko. What’s next? G cell superhero?
Annie • Jul 10, 2024 at 6:53 pm
I guess we just have to wait for the sequel. We won’t know whether it was just Noriko or there will be other survivors with G cells infection. The lore has always gone down the path of Godzilla fighting monsters and mutated human/plant/creatures. As for Noriko, her surviving the attack can mean several things. I hate to think that she would meet a more sinister ‘end’, just like Jeffrey mentioned in his comment – Godzilla vs Biollante.
Jeffrey S Navratil • Jun 25, 2024 at 1:57 pm
Yes this is entirely true, and if you know anything about G-cell, then one should know that the possibility for a even MORE tragic and possibly Body Horror centric fate could be in store for Noriko. See Godzilla vs Biollante for reference.
RPfromHoboken • May 15, 2024 at 11:50 am
You are entitled to your opinion. However, most fans do not feel this way. It was a great ending. It gives the audience hope for a sequel. The film has become my FAVORITE of the series.
Paul • Jun 2, 2024 at 8:25 am
I agree. I dont get the “dread”. Shikishima dealt with his internal war and decided to live his life and raise Akiko – I found it poetic for him to get further confirmation that he made the right call to live because Noriko will be there and make him dream again as he said in an earlier scene.
Maggie • Aug 2, 2024 at 1:04 pm
I was prepared to be bored and disinterested in this movie when I put it on for a visiting relative
I was engrossed throughout. I loved the look of the film and while the acting was extreme ans sometimes stilted, it worked with the whole feeling of the movie. The casting was classic and the characters classic as well. I came away with great affection for the players and the Monster. I liked that Godzilla was not given a soul in this film as in previous ones. He was an evil killing machine here and was a warning to modern man’s obsession with war and destruction. Best movie I’ve seen in a long time. Predictable? Yes. Hollywood ending? Yes. A great movie? YES!