There is nothing wrong with students listening to music in class, and teachers need to lay off on meaningless restrictions. Headphones are harmless and provide benefits for many students, surpassing any concerns that music is distracting or detrimental to student performance.
Many students turn to music to get through the treacherous school day. By far, the most disappointing thing to hear from a teacher is that they don’t allow earbuds or headphones in class, often backed up with no proper reasoning. Granted, it makes sense to restrict music at certain times, like a live lecture or when the teacher is instructing, but teachers often tell students that music is distracting and not necessary during quiet work time for individual activities.
It doesn’t make sense for a teacher to dictate whether or not music is helpful to individual students, and they are in no place to decide for the student how distracting it is—perhaps restricting it could have the opposite effect. For many, music provides a lot of neurological benefits, with increases in positive mood, stress reduction and motivation.
When teachers were asked about their own classroom policy, the answers differed.
“It depends,” English teacher Leslie Seelye said. “As long as it’s individual and I know it’s not going to be distracting to them, I have no problem with it.”
Of course, opponents may argue that headphones pull focus from school work and invite phone usage. This argument is frankly useless; unless said music is outrightly hindering a student’s performance, what is the harm in letting them have headphones in, if the student says it helps them? As for distracting other students, I would argue that it is pretty hard to be distracted by music you can’t hear.
“Typically no, because in my years of teaching, I’ve found that although some students will say it helps them focus, [with] a lot of students… phones are designed to be distracting,” science teacher Zachary McCauley said. “As soon as people look at the screen, it’s really easy to get off task that way.”
Of course, phones in general are distracting, but I don’t think that this factor overrides the fact that many students find music helpful and harmless. Harsh restrictions only need to be imposed, in my opinion, if the student is clearly using the phone for non-music purposes, and not as a precursor rule. A study by the Stanford school of medicine found that “music engages the areas of the brain involved with paying attention, making predictions and updating the event in memory.”
As I stated before, the impact music has on students is strongly individual and varies person to person. A study from the Harvard Business Review claims: “Your personality determines whether and how much you benefit from background music while you work. If you’re extroverted, your performance will likely increase with background music or minor distractions. Conversely, being an introvert increases the probability that you find any background noise, including music, distracting.” This idea explains why headphones are a useful tool in class, as only the individual is affected by their music, leaving room for choice–with no detrimental effects on others.
In all, restricting headphones in class does no good for the classroom. The benefits of headphones strongly outweigh the so-called distractions they cause and students should have the freedom to choose what is beneficial to them.
nevaeh • Mar 25, 2025 at 2:01 pm
why do ear buds have to not be used in classrooms earbuds do nothing wrong. what if you have to do a listening assignment then how do we listen to it
nevaeh • Mar 25, 2025 at 1:58 pm
It helps me some on my ?
Braedin Lavender • Nov 7, 2024 at 9:29 am
I agree with this topic as I’m a first-year in high school and focus better when I have access to headphones. Every time I have access to headphones during class I put on some relaxing music and tend to focus better, work faster, and work a lot more efficiently. I also get to share my musical interests with classmates and they can share back.
Paelun B • Feb 2, 2024 at 3:45 pm
Overall I definitely agree that students should be allowed to listen to music during individual work times, but I do think it is important to note the epidemic of students coming into class listening to YouTube or a podcast who don’t pay attention at all to class. I remember last year in my math class only a fourth of the class was ever actually listening, as most just were on their phones with headphones in the whole period, and my teacher got increasingly frustrated throughout the year. Idk, your point is valid, but I also think students are definitely being distracted by phones and headphones a lot.
Will • Apr 24, 2024 at 11:37 am
well in the the article and what you said there on there phone it has nothing to do with music and earbuds.
John • Sep 5, 2024 at 10:17 am
Of course it does, Will. If students have earbuds in the teacher has no control over what they are listening to.
This completely ignores the concept of constructivist learning which requires that students be communicating with each other about the mathematical ideas being explored.
I don’t disagree that during individual work time, there’s nothing wrong with background music, but how to you ensure that it is music? I play music in my classroom when they are working, so if music helps focus and learning, there you go. I vary between classic rock/pop and classical.
michael • Dec 2, 2024 at 9:03 am
i disagree, as student should feel free to chose the music they like because they may not necessarily like the music you play. and as far as ensuring it is music, you just have to trust your students and hope they are actually working. deal punishment to the students that aren’t playing music and finding distractions