Trump supporters were enraged last week when the Internet exploded over never-before-seen footage of the GOP candidate building homeless shelters in Mexico.
The 30-second video, which was filmed in January 2016, depicts Trump constructing temporary housing settlements in the provincial town of Edzná, Campeche. About 15 seconds into the video, he turns to the camera and says, “I just want these people to be happy. I mean, they’re the ones paying for our wall.” He then briefly returns to hammering before stating, “I’m not a monster, you know.” The clip was first aired by MSNBC, and within a matter of minutes it was the most watched video ever on YouTube.
Mr. Trump wholeheartedly denied the accusation at a supporter rally last Thursday, vehemently asking, “Name one Mexican that I have helped. Name one.” He accused his fellow republican candidates of faking the video as way of sabotaging his campaign, and denied ever having even visited Mexico. However, numerous Trump experts have confirmed the legitimacy of the footage.
“You can see his short, chubby fingers clutching the hammer,” says Dr. Malcomson, head of the Trump studies department at the University of Washington. “It’s clearly him. No doubt about it.”
The video has served as a significant setback to the Trump campaign, which suffered a 47 percent drop in approval ratings over a period of two days. Supporters of Mr. Trump have expressed great disappointment in the republican candidate, arguing that building shelters for homeless Mexicans goes against everything the Trump party stands for.
“I just feel betrayed,” says Megyn Kelly, recently converted Trump enthusiast. “All he’s talked about is getting rid of the Mexicans, and now he’s helping them? I can’t believe it.”
Despite the controversy surrounding the video, Trump still remains in the running for the Republican nomination. However, with ratings steadily dropping, Trump could be getting closer pulling out of the race.
Thumbnail photo by Jane Gormley