For many seniors at MIHS, the 2016 Presidential Primary is the first big election in which they will be able to participate. Although they may not realize it, their voices really do count; as mentioned in a previous Islander article, millennials make up more than a third of eligible voters. However, in recent years, voter turnout has not been too impressive; at a mere 15.9%, the 2012 primary turnout was the lowest year on record, according to The Washington Times. With the next big election just around the corner, many hope that 2016 will be a better year for voter participation.
With state primary season in full swing, Republican and Democratic candidates are campaigning harder than ever to try and claim party nominations. At this point in the race, early front-runners have long been established. Ted Cruz and Donald J. Trump lead in the Republican Party, while Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton dominate the Democratic race. Although news regarding the presidential race seems to be constantly featured on TV, the main campaign platforms of the candidates are rarely mentioned in the media’s everyday coverage. Below, the campaigns of the two front-runners from each party are outlined, providing voters with a sense of what each candidate stands for and the proposals they promise to enact if elected president.
*Important Information* The Washington State primary is on May 24th, but all voters must register either online or by mail by April 25th or in person by May 14th to be mailed a ballot in time to vote in this election.
The Presidential Primaries are not taken nearly as seriously as the General Election itself, but especially this year, they should be viewed with great significance. This year, both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have somewhat extreme candidates on opposite ends of the political spectrum: Sanders and Trump. Depending on which candidates receive the nominations, the winners of the presidential primaries alone can determine the next president even before the general election. The primaries may also be the one chance voters have to give their preferred candidate a shot at presidency. Many of the candidates, such as Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz, have promised they won’t run an independent campaign if they don’t receive their party’s nomination. People should vote for whom they want as their next president in their state’s primary – after all, they might not get another chance.
Thumbnail photo courtesy Teen Gazette